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Sky Crossing Elementary School has incorporated exciting programs to enhance daily lessons and promote positive behavior among students

Sky Crossing implements PBIS systems into all learning. These systems are designed to promote positive behaviors in students by implementing proactive strategies that define, teach, and support appropriate behaviors. This creates a positive and enriching school environment that benefits all students. Instead of using individual behavioral management plans, schools now employ a continuum of positive behavior support that extends to all students, including those in the classroom and non-classroom settings like hallways, buses, and restrooms. Positive behavior support is a behaviorally-based systems approach that enhances the capacity of schools, families, and communities to create effective environments that promote learning and growth. 

"PBIS is an evidence-based approach that focuses on preventing challenging behavior through the implementation of positive, proactive strategies throughout the entire school. It teaches pro-social behaviors, recognizes students who exhibit expected behavior, and changes the environment so it supports positive behavior and creates safe, learning communities." (Janney, 2008)

MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

Sky Crossing implements multi-tiered support systems (MTSS), which builds on the success of PBIS. MTSS is a crucial step towards achieving equity, as it provides struggling students with the extra support they need to thrive. With a focus on the "whole child," MTSS targets not just academic but also behavioral, social, and emotional needs. 

Learn more about MTSS